Table 5: Infertility experience during training.

N Percentage Percentage (excluding not
answered or not applicable)

Did your colleagues and/or program know about your struggles with infertility or desire for fertility preservation?
Yes (only colleagues)375.1%14.5%
Yes (only program administration)30.4%1.2%
Yes (both colleagues and program administration)223.0%8.6%
Not answered or not applicable47765.2%

Did you feel stigmatized by your colleagues and/or friends for having an issue with infertility or for desiring fertility preservation?
Not answered or not applicable65289.1%

Were your residency program administrators supportive?
Very supportive273.7%11.2%
Somewhat supportive91.2%3.7%
Minimally supportive60.8%2.5%
Not supportive20.3%0.8%
Unaware of treatment18925.8%78.4%
Not answered or not applicable49167.1%

Were your residency program colleagues supportive?
Very supportive496.7%20.4%
Somewhat supportive111.5%4.6%
Minimally supportive50.7%2.1%
Not supportive20.3%0.8%
Unaware of treatment16322.3%67.9%
Not answered or not applicable49267.2%

Did your work schedule allow you to go through fertility treatment?
Yes, with no difficulty60.8%8.1%
Yes, with some difficulty304.1%40.5%
Yes, with great difficulty141.9%18.9%
No, it was not possible for me to make the appointments141.9%18.9%
Not applicable, did not seek treatment or not treated during training101.4%
Not answered or not applicable49066.9%

A trainee discount would help with the costs of undergoing assisted reproductive technologies during training
Strongly agree43158.9%70.0%
Somewhat agree11515.7%18.7%
Somewhat disagree20.3%0.3%
Strongly disagree20.3%0.3%
No opinion344.6%5.5%
Not answered or not applicable11615.8%

In your opinion, what is the biggest barrier to pursuing fertility treatments while in training?
Lack of information263.6%4.2%
Lack of partner172.3%2.7%
Emotional reasons91.2%1.5%
Geographical reasons (i.e., partner in different location)50.7%0.8%
No opinion638.6%10.2%
Not answered or not applicable11315.4%18.3%

Excluding not answered or not applicable.