Table 1: Demographics.

N Percentage

 Cardiac surgery30.4%
 Emergency medicine202.7%
 Family medicine243.3%
 General surgery172.3%
 Internal medicine10213.9%
 Neurological surgery10.1%
 Obstetrics and gynecology17724.2%
 Oral and maxillofacial surgery20.3%
 Orthopedic surgery131.8%
 Other/not answered587.9%
 Other surgical subspecialty81.1%
 Plastic surgery101.4%
 Radiation oncology71.0%

 Year of training
 PGY8 or above121.6%
 Not answered/other577.8%

 Not answered446.0%

 Not answered446.0%

 Asian/Pacific Islander14219.4%
 Native American10.1%
 2 or more races456.1%
 Not answered435.9%

 Sexual orientation
 Not answered456.1%

 Marital status
 Partnered, not married14820.2%
 Not answered456.1%

 Combined annual household income
 < 40K10.1%
 Not answered446.0%

 Geographic location
 West Coast27637.7%
 South and southeast7710.5%
 East Coast16622.7%
 Not answered456.1%

 Live in a state where fertility coverage by insurance is mandated
 Not answered8912.2%

As of 2018, these states are Arkansas, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.