Figure 1: Males, but not females, fed the HFD displayed impaired reversal learning on the Barnes maze task. (a) Latency to locate the goal box was not altered by diet in either males or females during acquisition learning. Females had slightly faster latencies compared to males but all animals learned the task over the five training days. During acquisition learning, both (b) number of errors and (c) velocity were not altered by diet or sex. (d) Males fed the HFD had longer latencies to locate the new goal box location during reversal learning compared to chow controls. (e) Error rate was increased on training days one and two during reversal learning for the HFD males suggesting that the delayed latency to locate the new goal box was a result of incorrect hole visits. (f) Average velocity was not altered by diet. Reversal learning in females was not impacted by diet. Symbols represent mean ± SEM. P < .05.