Table 3: The results of cell area measurement (geometric mean (95% CI)) for three age groups using ImageJ.

Age group Cell area (μm2)

Hypertrophic cell/cell near
neocartilage in RZ-EP/SB interface
RZ cell close to RZ-EP/SB interface

20 days old 173.2 (92.3, 324.4), n = 42 37.13 (73.55, 18.54), n = 49
35 days old 93.53 (159.015, 54.54), n = 54 39.55 (62.11, 25.02), n = 54
480 days old 66.92 (106.96, 40.85), n = 78 29.10 (49, 15.99), n = 80